WARNING: Taxi operations have been affected by covid-19 and therefore information displayed here may no longer be correct close

Maitland -- Century City

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(updated: 01/03/2014)

Hours of operation



Taxis start at the Maitland taxi rank next to the Maitland train station just off Voortrekker road. The taxis head up Koeberg road, turning into Joe Slovo before turning into Omuramba road and then heading to Century City. Taxis then head to Montague Gardens along Bosmansdam Road and then Montagu drive (last part of the route not confirmed and not shown on map).

Streetview?size=250x110&location= 33.924314,18.486951&heading=274.57&pitch=10 Streetview?size=250x110&location= 33.892072,18.506386&heading=352.74&pitch=15

Useful Information